Puteri Indonesia 2009, Qory Sandioriva. Wearing costumes Papua as the national costume competition at the Miss Universe 2010. 19-year-old woman was also performed with the exotic costume whose theme 'Beauty from Rimba Raya'.
The theme of 'Beauty of the Wilderness' or 'Beauty of the Great Woods' women's beauty inspired the Asmat of Papua. Clothing Papua Qory used consists of headband or crown is decorated with cassowary feathers and bird of paradise feathers, while the possum leather headband.
While the sleeve-shaped tassel made from sago leaves that have been processed and then woven. For accessories such as bracelets and anklets made of chicken feathers. Meanwhile, Papua typical necklace that will apply Qory decoration comes from crocodile teeth and there are also adorned with a necklace of large sea-shells.
Clothing worn French Literature, University of Indonesia student would like to illustrate that concern for the environment and culture of Indonesia. Materials from the national dress was all environmentally friendly. Tassel of which comes from the dried leaves and bark.
Headdress used bird feathers fall out. Natural harmony and beauty of the Indonesian rainforest is wafted from the national dress. With the national dress worn Qory are expected not only to attract the attention of the jury, but can also attract the international community. Qory hope they pull to be more familiar with the culture that exists in Indonesia by directly visiting and studying the diversity and uniqueness of Indonesia's wealth.
Bangganya, budaya Indonesia diperkenalkan ^^