Age of Empires New Game Online 2010. Microsoft has opened the curtain on the game who will continue a series of Age of Empires strategy game. Yes, the game was none other than Age of Empires Online.
As quoted from the official statement on its website on Wednesday (08/18/2010), Age of Empires Online will be represented Microsoft in 2011. Currently the game is still in Closed Beta period and will soon enter the Open Beta period.
This game will feature the theme of the strategy, just like its predecessor, but with a much different view. My observation style cartoon graphics this game is more like a game Farmville or PetSociety.
"When we want to continue the series (Age of Empires), we see how people play games now, and apparently they are still hungry for the experience of playing a social and connected," said Microsoft's statement.
Age of Empires Online is developed by the Robot Entertainment and Microsoft Game Studios. Game with the code name Project S was developed by a team consisting of many ex-Ensemble, Age of Empires developer studio that has been disbanded.
One interesting feature of this game is a Persistent World. That is, the world in the game will continue to run despite being 'abandoned' by his players. Thus, such action to collect resources and build units will continue.
Age of Empires Online will be connected in the Games for Windows LIVE and available only in the form of downloading. This game will be pure according to Microsoft's online game, so there will be no offline mode is offered. And if I notice this game is similar to the Empire Heroes Indonesia, or even reverse it?
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