WordPress 3.0 is More Stable

Good news for the bloggers. WordPress, one of the most popular blog portals around the world finally launched its latest version which is recognized more

Version 3.0 is the thirteenth version of the software that was launched WordPress. In the quotation from English Sina, Friday (18/06/2010), there were 2700 changes including the 1217 bug fixes are done by 218 people.

"Now that WordPress be one of the most powerful blogging platform out there," said Adriaan Bloem as an analyst from research firm and a software management consultant, Real Story Group.

Some who became his mainstay, namely the ability to run multiple blogs at once. This excess is called WordPress MU. In previous versions, each blog must be run separately. Bloem itself asserts that WordPress MU is already integrated into major versions, and ensure that users can more easily use it.

In addition, the invitation to take better advantage of the WordPress site as a medium promotion increasingly emboldened. WordPress has a content system managemenent with full features to develop a website, forums, and even for
e-commerce needs or buying and selling on the internet.

This change was apparently intended for bloggers who want to display their goods so easily offered. Another new feature is the ability to update multiple plug-ins at once and themes that can be redesigned by the user.

"We started to develop into areas of web content management system. It has been used non-web of other blogs," said Bloem.

6 komentar:

  1. tambah keren aje nih blognya bro....

  2. suhu... ajari donk serly seo... suhu kan udah mantap tu ilmunya... serly mau pake domain sendiri tapi masih ragu.... soalnya belum mengerti



  3. Mesti harus banyak lagii tentang wordpress...

  4. Semakin mudah kita berkreasi! Salam!

  5. Lagi-lagi kita dimanjakan dalam membuat blog dan salah satunya dengan wordpress, dan memang sip!
