Jon Stewart the Most Influential Man in the World

Jon Stewart the Most Influential Man in the World

AskMen magazine issued a list of 49 Most Influential Men in 2010. Want to know anyone? What is clear, which was ranked first not the U.S. President Barack Obama but a host of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart. Meanwhile, Obama dropped dramatically to rank 21 after being in 3rd position in 2009 and number one in 2008 before he served as president.

In fact, a number of controversial names like Lebron James was in a position to-17, Kanye West (5th position), and also Mark Zuckerberg (number 3).

The host is also included in that list, among others, Stephen Colbert was in the order of the 11 that are popular with the show The Colbert Report. Looks like a favorite host entry to this list. Conan O'Brien, entered into the list and is ranked the 12 who quit the show when NBC's The Tonight Show move the time slot to the middle of the night. Justin Timberlake is ranked the 33rd who now penetrated the world of acting.

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