Hanung Bramantyo never triumphed in the Indonesian Film Festival in 2005, as best director through the film Brownies. At the Indonesian Film Festival in 2007 she received another best director in the movie title of Get Married. He also produced Ayat-ayat Cinta (Love Verses) is successful in the market. Now he is working on the Enlightenment, a film about a historical figure Ahmad Dahlan. What's special about this movie? Following a conversation with him.
What is your background make a historical movie have the shape of KH Ahmad Dahlan? I've been familiar with KH Ahmad Dahlan, but apparently a lot of ignorance that appears on this one character. Even people connected to each of three money Muhammadiyah. I was a small neighborhood of Muhammadiyah. Schools from elementary, junior and senior high schools are also in Muhammadiyah. But I feel KH Ahmad Dahlan was not trendy and cool in the eyes of young children. He does not like Bung Karno.
Because of that, then I think why we are not trying to see more of KH Ahmad Dahlan. What is clear, he only we know as the founder of Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah organization eventually became a big success. Appearance in photographs of KH Ahmad Dahlan in the history books is an old man's beard and turban. That 's all. This is really our common deficiencies in the known. I am trying to improve the recognition of KH Ahmad Dahlan in the movie. That's just the background making this movie.
Then what do you do?
KH Ahmad Dahlan figure should be strengthened. During this figure does not appear. That appears only in the work and activities of organizational and societal. Yes trendy Let us express the figures. Especially when the turban was considered radical, intolerant, so necessary for me to explain that the KH Ahmad Dahlan was not the case. Through this film I wanted to change that stigma.
Kiai Dahlan is actually a very tolerant person and bring Islam as rahmatan lil alamin. He's also a nice person, soft, but still firmly held principles. At the time he was in his student-counter by saying, "Why is why wearing a table and chairs, such as schools reject it?", He just smiled, did not argue with anything and still continue the task. So despite the impression of weakness, because students do not argue back, he still holds fast to principles, not give in and follow the debate.
About why this film genre history, this is also not free from my favorite of history so great. As soon as I dig deeper into the history of KH Ahmad Dahlan, I find extraordinary things. There is a story which until demolished mosque. There also will be established when he was accused of Muhammadiyah so halallah infidel blood.
You are doing research to get a figure of KH Ahmad Dahlan?
I can be a lot of books about the history of KH Ahmad Dahlan, but little is written about his personal story. Writing about how Kiai Dahlan in his youth, and his personal interactions and attitudes in dealing with parties that have not been able to accept his ideas, very little.
Most papers only talk about her just globally, and more telling of Muhammadiyah. In short, the modern Islamic thought who fought and charitable efforts of Muhammadiyah's all we know. This is quite different from Bung Karno youth re-told again by Mas Guntur. Obama's childhood story also widely known to the world public.
On the other hand I also do not want a movie that I make will be a propaganda movie. My need to be careful. I admit his research because it is difficult. From the books that exist only, date of birth Kiai Dahlan be different. There are writers who write in the birth in 1867. There is also a 1868. There is also a write Kiai Dahlan pilgrimage at the age of 15 years. Others wrote 18 years old.
What's the most memorable moment working on this movie
The most memorable, when I have an idea of this movie, so many parties that came to me. Muhammadiyah as large organizations also have a major stake. Kauman as Muhammadiyah village standing room also has large interests, and the Sultan of Yogyakarta Palace also have interests. Various interests that tried to enter by giving me ideas. I have to accommodate it all, because to shoot it should be in their place: the Great Mosque and the Sultan Palace.
You are interested in making another movie history?
Why not? I've got a mission: through me first to introduce movies back in history to the public. Like the Bung Karno said, "Never forget our history." Now how do we introduce history to young children. I was longing for a young child, or teenager wearing a T-shirt Bung Karno, a picture of KH Ahmad Dahlan, lane IX. Our young children should know the big names. Why even a picture of Che Guevara that appears? Whereas a lot of our heroes.
"Sang Pencerah Movie" is still there its sequel, which is "Sang Penanda". In the movie continued it would appear the great figures such as KH Hasyim Hadratussyaikh Ash'ari NU founder. We also show how to map Muslim intellectuals at the time, so that people know already sebegitunya Muslim intellectuals in the country. Once again it is important for me.
As he saw the audience reaction to the Enlightenment, I will also make a movie interlude of "light". We knew we could not breathe if you are watching to 2.5 million people. That is just beyond the capital. If I could reach up to 4 million viewers, such as Laskar Pelangi ya can breathe more freely again and do much more to the public. Also of interest, the film production is two times heavier than the verses of Love.
Data accuracy is also needed in the middle of the various different data. But thank God this filming of the most smoothly than shoot-shoot I did for this. Praise be able to get the best pictures. At the time of our Love Verses difficult to get the best pictures. Currently working on this film, we could even enter the sacred place, namely the Great Mosque, which not hold for the filming, we pray over there do not wear gloves can be a lot of people paid attention. Now for the purposes of this shooting, we could even unpack. We close the mosque's floor with plywood and then made an impression on the rocks there. So we'd make a mess.
Takmir even allow us to use half of the mosque for the sake of shooting. Only half of that used to offer prayers. For us, things like that so extraordinary. So was the palace. We get permission to shoot this film. Whereas we do not easily used as a shooting location film palace. Are the "interests" who want to go earlier also provide funds? Alhamdulillah not. We did not expect it, because as I said, I make films, not propaganda. We're just hoping for moral support and spiritual.
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