Kopi Luwak Halal atau Haram?

Kopi Luwak Halal atau Haram

Kopi Luwak: Mongoose Coffee - Your coffee lovers, must know the name Kopi Luwak. Yes, coffee from Indonesia is already an international go-even the title as most expensive coffee and weirdest in the world.

Sense of Mongoose Coffee is really different and special among fans and connoisseurs of coffee. Even the press had become the center of attention in Australia.

Because, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had time to give a memento to the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with the Kopi Luwak, when a visit to Australia early March 2010 past.

But the Australian Quarantine Bureau states Kopi Luwak not through the examination beforehand, eventually holding the coffee. The press dubbed Australia's building diplomacy.

Kopi Luwak was different and special because of the way fee that is making a strange and sorry "disgusting". The peasants took off mongoose, which is similar to eating civet or civet coffee beans are ripe and falling.

After that, they waited for the mongoose is throw dirt. Well, the beans are out along dirt mongoose that was taken for further processing.

Because the process is a strange reason, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) will issue a fatwa about the coffee mongoose. According to Chairman of the MUI KH Ma'ruf Amin, before the fatwa was issued fatwas will be held the next commission meeting to discuss Kopi Luwak and its laws.

Melalui fatwa nomor 4, 20 Juli 2010, Majelis Ulama Indonesia atau MUI menyatakan bahwa kopi luwak, yakni kopi yang diolah dari biji kopi yang diambil dari kotoran hewan luwak (musang), termasuk halal atau boleh dikonsumsi umat Islam. Namun, biji kopi luwak harus melalui pencucian terlebih dahulu sebelum dapat dikatakan halal.

"Statusnya biji kopi luwak adalah mutanajis, artinya suatu benda yang terkena najis. Mutanajis itu jika dibersihkan, dicuci, maka biji kopi itu suci, halal, bisa dikonsumsi," ujar Wakil Sekretaris Komisi Fatwa MUI Aminudin Yakub, Selasa (20/7/2010).

Aminudin mengatakan, fatwa kopi luwak tersebut dikeluarkan MUI untuk menjawab pertanyaan masyarakat mengenai halal atau tidaknya kopi yang diambil dari kotoran hewan tersebut. Menurutnya, MUI telah melakukan kajian dan menemukan bahwa hewan luwak hanya memakan kulit luar buah kopi dan menyisakan kulit tanduk buah kopi. "Dan kalau ditanam, biji kopi itu bisa tumbuh. Dengan demikian, itu bukan najis, melainkan mutanajis," katanya.

Mutanajis berbeda dengan najis. Apa yang dikatakan najis, menurut Aminudin, salah satunya, adalah suatu benda yang dilarang untuk dikonsumsi umat Islam, seperti daging babi. Namun, mutanajis adalah kondisi ketika suatu benda terkena najis yang dapat dikatakan halal jika dibersihkan. Kopi Luwak Halal atau Haram, ternyata Halal.

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3 komentar:

  1. that's mean, that at the cleaning process, you have to be careful, in order to clean the coffe bean

  2. Wah, masih jadi TOPIK MUI nih . . ^^

  3. iya sih, krn ngga diproses biji kopinya alias utuh, berarti harus dibersihkan dulu ya baru dibiki kopi.... hmmm.... gmn ya rasa kopinya???
