Tessa Mariska Bekasi Mayor Candidates

Tessa Mariska Candidates for Mayor of Bekasi - Tessa Mariska dangdut singer, who was plump and has a beautiful face, apparently had some time to get a bid to advance to the Regent or the future mayor. Tessa is also one of the people who fall into this Gerindra jajarang party administrators not just a me-too trend with many artists who plunged into the world of politics lately, but Tessa was one of those who already have experience in political affairs.

"There has been no bid for nomination as candidates of Central Lampung, not get ready, but I have not dared to go, on March 4 and then I was asked to become the Middle Llampung cawabup I'm not ready," he explained when found seusaia a goalie while playing futsal in Kuningan Village, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Saturday (04/24/2010).

Pedangdut bodied sexy appearance is always tempting to look at every man confessed, when he was a few weeks ago got an offer back to the Rejang Lebong Cabup District, Bengkulu. but he rejects the offer because he tidka understand the existence of the city.

"It's not my hometown, I do not know about the city. I have confidence (confident," he said. To advance in the elections anyway menurutu Tessa tidka funds must prepare a little.

"In the hands there should be USD 10 billion to be cawabup. I was not ready to lose. Moreover I am very new at the party. Still studying at the House of Representatives in fractions Gerindra. Not really brave to go forward. If I'm confident and a lot of support, beat! Continue insulted insulted deh same people. Artists must have been insulted and humiliated when he ran as the candidate of bureaucrats, "he said.

Tessa revealed that during the public assess if he has a bad past, the past is always going to kejelakan diungkit if included in the bureaucracy for which he now fortify himself with a deepening political science to sit as representatives in the House of Representatives and tried to finish college S2.

"If personal desires, certainly want to get ahead so local leaders. If that's nawarin Bekasi or area of my birth in Medan, I would think. In Bekasi, I stayed there for 10 years. So back to prepare the bullets and ammunition. If five years is ready , beat bleh, including its capital of 10 billion. if Regent approximately USD 35 billion for the campaign and socialization. So candidates are welcome more than USD 2 billion that came out yesterday, "he explained.

Tessa explicitly say that this time he was not ready to move forward on the stock elections. "I relayed to the candidate who asked me that until now have not thought ahead. I appreciate the offer. If Jupe can move forward, we've got Tessa but it's a joke. Enggaklah. I have not had a kok capital. I learned a lot from Nurul Arifin. he really really good now. Very intellectual. The figure of the artist even disappeared and I saw him as a politician, "he explained.

3 komentar:

  1. Emilia Contessa juga mencalaonkan sebagai Bupati Banyuwangi, cuma hasil polling kurang pemilihnya!

  2. Dah tak pasang linknya Bro..!

  3. ayoo para artis, rame2 jadi pejabat
