Sriwijaya FC Juara Piala Indonesia 2010 - For the third consecutive time Sriwijaya FC (SCF) so Indonesian Cup champions after the end of resistance Arema Indonesia with a score of 2-1 at Manahan Stadium, Solo, Sunday night (01/08/2010) pm.
With this result, the dream Rahcmad Dharmawan giving beautiful gifts at the end of his tenure as head coach of SFC materialize.
The match will take place loud and full of mental battle. Captain Arema Nur Alamsah must be willing to referee Jimmy Napitupulu expelled after only runs 20 minutes.
As usual, the first 10 minutes of direct Arema dominate his opponent. Children's upbringing Robert Alberts quite capable of displaying a slick performance.
However, SFC does not necessarily easily penetrated. Ponaryo Astaman laden experience to lead the midfield well, even after 10 minutes beginning Wong Kito forces capable of neutralizing the course of action. Not enough, SFC also have the first opportunity by Pavel despite failing to be scored.
Party hard place top. When a new road game three minutes, goalkeeper SFC S. Ferry Salim had to receive medical treatment due to a collision with team captains Arema. Not long ago, Juan Digitized strong offense against Isnan Ali, a yellow card.
One faux pas made Alamsah Noh. Singapore-based player is unable to control emotions by doing something provocative as you lift the foot too high. The referee who was standing not far from her direct blow away the red card.
Three minutes later, Ferry could no longer continue the fight after the umpteenth time his right leg suffered in a collision with the opponent. Hendro Kartiko into place.
Sriwijaya FC sukses mempertahankan gelar juara Piala Indonesia. Di partai final yang digelar di Stadion Manahan Solo, Minggu, 1 Agustus 2010, Laskar Wong Kito menang 2-1 atas Arema Indonesia.
Gol kemenangan Sriwijaya dicetak oleh Pavel Solomin pada menit ke-79. Ia lolos dari jebakan offside dan dengan mudah menjebol gawang Kurnia Meiga, skor 2-1.
Arema sempat menyamakan kedudukan menjadi 1-1 lewat gol. M.Ridhuan. Pada menit ke-71 terjadi kemelut di depan gawang Sriwijaya dan bola yang datang ke arah Ridhuan disepaknya menembus jala gawang Hendro Kartiko.
Pada menit 48 Sriwijaya lebih dulu unggul lewat gol Keith Kayamba. Sundulannya tak bisa dihadang kiper Arema Kurnia Meiga.
Pertandingan babak kedua sempat tertunda sekitar satu jam. Kapolda Jawa Tengah Irjen (Pol) Alex Bambang Riatmodjo meminta wasit Jimmy Napitupulu diganti. Ia menilai wasit tidak adil dalam memimpin pertandingan.
Arema bermain dengan 10 orang sejak menit ke-20. Noh Alam Shah diganjar kartu merah oleh wasit Jimmy Napitupulu. Along diusir setelah kakinya mendarat di kepala bek Laskar Wong Kito, Precious Emuejeraye.
Not useless, former Indonesian national team goalkeeper was immediately showed its quality despite a good opportunity to confront aging time of Roman Camelo.
Despite playing with 10 people, Arema not want to survive, otherwise a few times until they are able to penetrate into the opponent's penalty box. On the other side, SFC would prefer to form a neat coordination. Slowly but surely they were creating chances but none that really threaten the goal guarded by Kurnia Mega Arema.
Score goalless draw last until until half time. Intermission time to take a long time because there was intervention by the Central Java police who instructed umpires to be replaced. Although ultimately a certified FIFA jimmy still lead 45 minutes later.
The second half was just walking three minutes, the captain of SFC Keith Kayamba Ghambs memalui tandukan scored success after football corner advantage.
SFC is a direct step on the gas. Aware of the shortage of players in the opponent's stronghold, Rahchmad who wants to give a special gift at the last game no doubt had his men appear open, he also changed the 3-5-2 formation in order to accumulate a player in midfield.
As a result, Kurnia Mega must berjibaku saves. A speculative kick midfielder and goalkeeper bertinggi SFC able countered body was 184 cm, lovely to see the action.
Stadium rumble. The players showed mental strength Arema when Muhammad Ridhuan equalized 72 minutes. Numbered six players back this exploit a cross from the right wing with sweet sontekan.
The game even more interesting. Laden mental battle, continues hard. All players were tested psychologically correct in this fight.
Pavel Solomin 80 minutes to double the benefits of SFC. The attacker was 23 years old live one on one with the keeper after a pass off-side trap so easy for him menceploskan ball.
Score 2-1 for the SFC to survive until the end. SFC Champions Indonesia Cup 2010. Sriwijaya FC Juara Piala Indonesia 2010
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